Faction Update, November

Hi everyone. I know this probably isn't expected however it is time for a crucial faction update to try to keep the faction up to modern standards. We have a lot more changes however these are the ones we will begin with. All of these changes go into effect immediately. We will have another faction update at the end of the month, as usual.
  1. Removal of Deputy Sheriff Trainee.
    • For the longest time now, the rank Deputy Sheriff Trainee has been a part of the faction ever since we became the LSSD, from SASD. The rank Deputy Sheriff Trainee by the real Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department, isn't even sworn therefore Deputy Sheriff Trainees are just really civilians going through the academy.
  2. Disbandment of Patrol School, and Suspension of Communications & Fleet Management Bureau.
    • Patrol School is something not a lot of you can really see, but it was a thing that we were going to implement for when we did recruitment and people went through custody, and then moved to patrol. The only thing that was really in this section at this time was an EVOC training manual, which will be transferred to the Training Bureau for them to decide what they wish to do with it.
    • Communications and Fleet Management Burau was mainly for the dispatch (Sheriff's Communication Center). This will be suspended as we have no one to really run it, and every time someone did partake in it it only lasted a few days/week and then was never touched again. Supervisors+ can /mask and pretend to be SCC if they wish.
  3. Forum Updates
    • With all of the changes we're making, it is important that we go through out the entire forum and begin moving, deleting, and whatever else we need to do to preserve the forums. The past forums was broken because of a few reasons. One of them being they had to much stuff on the forums. This includes deleting boards that have never been used. We're also going to looking at making several changes to formats where we are in line with Legal FM requirements as well (e.g denial reasons being included in reinstatemets, transfers, ect).

      We do have a forum images for our new forum theme, and will be tinkering with it this weekend therefore it is a possibility that the new forum theme will be pushed out soon.
  4. Activity Requirements
    • Faction activity requirements, usually all around the board we've always required 1.0. However we understand we must adapt. We will not be really enforcing activity checks by the monthly bases unless you are completely inactive. For example, most of our recent inactivity kicks are people who have not logged ingame for 2-3 months. Therefore yes, you do have some leniency.
  5. Moving Professional Standards Division into Office of the Sheriff
    • We originally started to do this before however decided against it. Instead of having an entire division/bureau, we can put all this under the Office of the Sheriff. This includes Internal Affairs Bureau, and Sheriff's Information Bureau. While this will eliminate some rank play, we don't and never had enough people to fill these positions.
  6. Reviewing stopsticks/spikestrips
    • It seems that some, and while I say some, I mean most of us, have not read and understood the way the tire deflation/stop stick policy actually works. Currently anyone who initiates a incident such as a pursuit, shooting, whatever the case may is automatically the incident commander of the scene. The policy in regards to stop sticks state the following:
      4-03/030.20 TIRE DEFLATION DEVICES wrote: Deployment

      Tire Deflation Devices shall be deployed in the trunk of every radio car. The Incident Commander must approve the deployment of Tire Deflation Devices before deployment occurs.
      This means that the initiating unit of the pursuit, as long as no Sergeant+ takes over incident command, can order that other units deploy the stop sticks.

      You must keep the following in mind, though.
      4-03/030.20 TIRE DEFLATION DEVICES wrote: The following considerations should be taken by the Incident Commander before authorizing Tire Deflation Devices:
      • The current speed of the subject vehicle;
      • The presence of pedestrians or other motor traffic; and
      • The safety of deputies deploying the Tire Deflation Device.
  7. Arrest Records
    • It's been brought to our attention on a few occasions recently that people have not been properly filling out arrest records therefore when it comes up for review by the District Attorneys Office or others, that we're not in line what we're suppose to be doing. Therefore I ask that you read the following below:
      4-01/020.25 FELONY ARREST RECORD WRITING PROCEDURE wrote: Evidence shall also be attached at the end in a distinguishable roleplay manner, and both may be done as:
      • ** 21 King's digital in-car video footage is attached and confirms that John Doe was pursued in a black Admiral before exiting and running out of the vehicle. His face is visible on an attached still shot as he is leaving the vehicle. **
      • (21 King's digital in-car video footage is attached and confirms that John Doe was pursued in a black Admiral before exiting and running out of the vehicle. His face is visible on an attached still shot as he is leaving the vehicle.)
      All footage should also at least briefly describe what they present. "The footage confirms the narrative" or similar formulations are not allowed and cannot be used. ))
      Therefore simply putting **DASHCAM FOOTAGE ATTACHED** is not acceptable UNLESS you have a link that provides the actual dashcam footage. If you do not have the link, you will have to explain what the dashcam footage would show. Other wise, it would be deemed invalid.

      It is also important now that not everyone would have the same sort of access to the arrest records, as mentioned in the recent Field Operation Directive: (short version)

      1. Any personal can access to view an individuals priors, or current wants.
      2. Only the arresting personal of an individual (exemption of DA, and Internal Affairs+) can access the actual arrest narrative/evidence listed.
      3. Using any information on an individual's arrest narrative/evidence report that you did not arrest, is considered both powergaming and metagaming.

    To wrap this up, we will be looking at several other areas of the faction to see where we can not only simplify the faction, but improve the overall quality of the faction. We will be going through faction suggestions as well to see what you guys want, and go from there. We will be opening the feed back forms back up as well.

    If you guys have any questions, or concerns, feel free to reach out to me.
