IMPORTANT Faction Update

I'm sure everyone is up to speed with the recent LS-RP developments and what's on the horizon.

The reopening of SA-MP within the next 3-6 weeks heralds exciting times ahead. Many of you understandably have questions about how this transition will unfold and our plans moving forward.

Firstly, it's important to note that we've made the decision to retain both legal factions, namely LSPD and LSSD. This choice was reached through collaboration between LS-RP leadership and the heads of the legal factions. While we initially considered merging LSSD and LSPD into a single faction, we quickly recognized the importance of maintaining both factions for the benefit of our community.

Regarding staffing, the structure between SA-MP and V will remain largely consistent within the faction. This means that if you're currently with us in Rage, you'll seamlessly transition to SA-MP alongside us. Given the recent challenges faced by LS-RP, we're refraining from enforcing activity requirements for now. However, post-SA-MP release, we'll monitor activity levels to ensure a minimum standard is maintained.

Now, onto two pressing questions that will likely arise in the days and weeks ahead: What's the plan for the forums and Teamspeak? Managing two servers in one space presents its challenges, but we're already taking steps to address this. Currently, I'm overseeing the cleanup of our old forums, removing outdated data and ensuring a clean slate for the SA-MP revival. Rest assured, all pertinent data from SA-MP's closure in 2021 will be accessible when we reinstate the old forums.

Additionally, we're in the process of establishing a secondary Teamspeak server dedicated to SA-MP. While we can't replicate the exact structure from before, we're working to adapt our current setup to suit SA-MP's needs. Expect this to be up and running in the coming days, with details provided on how to join.

As of now, there are still some details being ironed out with the executive and command teams, such as station assignments and logistical considerations. Once finalized, we'll communicate these decisions promptly to ensure everyone is informed.

A crucial reminder: SA-MP and Rage represent separate universes, meaning your characters in each are distinct entities. While we won't restrict character names, it's important to keep other aspects separate.

If you have further questions, I encourage you to stay tuned for our next announcement, which will address additional concerns. Feel free to reach out via Discord or DM if you require clarification on any points.

With heightened interest expected in SA-MP and Rage in the weeks ahead, we'll need everyone's involvement to deliver an immersive sheriff's role-play experience to our wider community. I want to express my gratitude for the dedication and hard work each of you has shown, particularly during the challenging times of the past few months. Your commitment to the faction is truly appreciated.

Best regards

Executive Staff and Command Staff

Los Santos County Sheriff's Department
Los Santos County Sheriff's Department — "A Tradition of Service"

20th Sheriff of Los Santos County