LSSD Career Ladders




There are two types of advancement within the Los Santos County Sheriff's Department: promotion and assignment to a higher pay grade. "Promotion" refers to an advance from one Civil Service title to another, such as from Deputy Sheriff to Sergeant. "Assignment" refers to an assignment to a position that requires certain skills and/or expertise, without a change in Civil Service title. Examples would be reassignments from Deputy Sheriff to Bonus level positions I and II.

After completion of the P.O.S.T. Certified Sheriffs Training Academy, Deputy Sheriff Trainees are assigned to the Bolingbroke Correctional Facility to serve as custody deputies. Following a period of extensive training, probationary deputies will be allowed to re-evaluate their career paths: remain in custody assignment or become certified patrol deputies. Trainees who select a career path in Patrol are assigned to a Training Officer during their field training period. Specialized assignments such as Tactical Deputy, Pilot, etc.., require extensive experience before application. Deputy Sheriffs assigned in Bonus level positions I and II are eligible to compete in the Field Sergeant examination.

The Sergeant position is a field supervisor position; this is the position for which Sergeant promotional candidates must demonstrate their qualifications.


Deputy Sheriff Trainee is an entry-level non-sworn training position. Trainees are required to attend a paid P.O.S.T. Certified Sheriffs Training Academy which is characterized by participation in a formal law enforcement training program involving both classroom and field observation. In the Academy, DSTs will develop the minimum skills required for entry into a Law Enforcement career as a Deputy Sheriff.


Deputy Sheriff is the main workforce from the sworn category, and are responsible for performing a wide variety of law enforcement functions. A Deputy Sheriff must exhibit discretion, comprehensive knowledge of the law and the highest ethical standards. A Deputy Sheriff must be service-oriented and actively assist community members in solving problems and maintaining the peace. A Deputy Sheriff shall be held accountable for their actions and must adhere to Departmental Core Values.

Examples of different working titles:

Academy Instructor
Background Investigator
Community Policing Services (COPS)
Custody Deputy
Gang Detail Deputy
Helicopter Pilot Deputy
Metro Detail Deputy
Patrol Deputy
Public Information Deputy
Tactical Flight Deputy
Traffic Enforcement Deputy


Within the Deputy Sheriff classification, there are designated Bonus level positions I and II. This position may also supervise as a Field Training Officer. Individuals appointed to these specialized positions shall continue to practice Departmental Core Values. From this classification, you can promote to Sergeant.

Examples of different working titles:

Canine Deputy
Certified Flight Instructor
Certified Gang Expert
Detective Mentor
Field Training Officer
Gang Detail Investigator
Major Crimes Detail Investigator
Background Supervisor
Master Field Training Officer
Senior Gang Detail Deputy
Senior Traffic Deputy
Tactical Deputy
Tactical Medic
Traffic Field Training Officer


Sergeants are first-line supervisors with primary responsibility for ensuring compliance with the professional and ethical standards of the Department by all subordinate Deputy Sheriffs and civilian employees. The basic capacity of a Sergeant is field supervision, but administrative and specialized assignments are also available. Some Sergeants perform initial and follow-up investigations of crimes and perform surveillance work to detect or prevent crime.

Examples of different working titles:

Field Supervisor
Field Training Program Sergeant
Gang Detail Supervisor
Gang Investigator Supervisor
Major Crimes Investigator Supervisor
Operations Sergeant
Traffic Sergeant
Training Bureau Sergeant
Watch Sergeant


Lieutenants manage the operations of a given shift or activity, command a specialized detail, or provide staff assistance to a superior officer. Lieutenants are in-charge of a specialized bureau or unit, where they must apply sound supervisory principles and techniques to build and maintain an effective workforce.

Examples of different working titles:

Gang Detail Supervisor
Gang Investigator Supervisor
Homicide Investigator Supervisor
Operations Lieutenant
Traffic Lieutenant
Training Bureau Lieutenant
Watch Commander


A captain is the commanding officer of a bureau, facility or station. Captains are the leaders of the management teams at their units and are responsible for inspecting and overseeing the functions and operations of the patrol deputies to ensure compliance with the Department policies, procedures, regulations, and standards; supervising the administrative and support functions of non-sworn personnel; inspecting personnel, facilities, and tactics for safety and/or training needs; maintaining liaison with numerous municipal, governments, civic organizations, and private citizens to establish and maintain rapport to facilitate Department functions and to promote neighbourhood safety and community policing programs.

Examples of different working titles:

Specialized Bureau Commanding Officer


Area Commanders assist the chief of a division as an assistant division chief and may hold other special positions as directed by the Sheriff. Commanders are responsible for ensuring that Units under their command are meeting Department and Division standards of operation. As assistant Division Chief, an Area Commander is directly accountable to the appropriate Division Chief or Assistant Sheriff for the proper execution of assigned functions and for the management of assigned Units.

Examples of different working titles:

Specialized Division Commnader


A Division Chief is a senior executive of the Department who commands and is accountable for the activities of a Division in accordance with the policies prescribed by the Sheriff, Undersheriff, and Assistant Sheriff(s). In managing a Division, a Division Chief is responsible for anticipating the problems, needs, trends and resources of the Division and its personnel, and for providing the appropriate leadership to accomplish goals that complement the mission of the Department.

Examples of different working titles:

Chief of Staff
Chief of Administrative Services Division
Chief of Central Patrol Division
Chief of Custody Services Division
Chief of Detective Division
Chief of Special Operations Division


The Assistant Sheriff(s) is a senior executive of the Department who commands and is responsible for the activities of his or her concerned Division(s) as well as any other specialized Units/programs assigned by the Sheriff and/or Undersheriff and in accordance with the policies prescribed by the Sheriff and Undersheriff. The Sheriff may appoint an Assistant Sheriff to assume the duties assigned to the second in command of the Department. This appointment would be in effect during the Sheriff's and the Undersheriff's absence.

Examples of different working titles:

Assistant Sheriff of Administrative Operations
Assistant Sheriff of Countywide Operations
Assistant Sheriff of Patrol Operations
Assistant Sheriff of Special Operations


The Undersheriff is second in command of the Department and assumes the duties of the Sheriff in their absence. As chief assistant to the Sheriff, the Undersheriff provides advice on administrative issues which include Department direction, legislative and operational concerns, and budgetary and personnel matters.


The Sheriff is the highest-ranking deputy in the Sheriff's Department. The Sheriff of the County of Los Santos is responsible and accountable for the running of the Department.