(( Faction Update — February 2022 ))



Hey everyone. It’s been a month already since our last update. Most of us expected to be on the server already and doing what we do best, provide quality police roleplay throughout the community. Unfortunately, that isn’t the case due to some safety concerns for Martin and his family. We wish him the best and hope all goes well.

It is important that we go over this real quickly. Over the past couple of days we’ve been letting things slide when it comes to chain of command but it is important to follow your proper chain or command. If you’re a field staff member, usually your supervisor is a Sergeant/Lieutenant, then theirs is a Captain and so forth. When the chain of command is not followed, it begins to cause confusion therefor lack productivity in doing so. We will start enforcing this.

A while back we informed everyone that we will be giving people second chances from SA:MP. Rather it was a faction ban, suspension, or whatever it may be it was wiped from your personal file/record. So far a lot of people are enjoying the faction just through general means such as discord. We do like to remind you though that any forms of faction misrepresentation will be handled accordingly. Especially to the ones we were lenient on and allowed in.

Custody Services Division currently still has no direct leadership but is being over seen by Executive and Command staff, so if you have suggestions or have previous experience let us know. Right now we're not entirely sure what is going to be available on launch. The division will be functional on launch and we already have some people with Custody Assistant alternative characters, if you wish to help us in custody you can send your request for an alt character to Command or Executive Staff.

The forums section will be live from next week, I will let you know once this happens.

I would like to say thank you for everyone in the Training Bureau for their hard work. We've seen slight modifications to the Training Bureau which will promote overall productivity within the Bureau. In a 3 day time frame, the Training Bureau has received 73 applications for Deputy Sheriff Trainee and are being handled in a very timely manner.

Quiet a few people have asked about this therefore I will clear the air up on it. Most, if not all promotions will be handled some time after the server launch. We are not in a hurry to fill any vacancies. I've also had quiet a few people who were previously supervisor/command staff ask if they can reinstate into their old positions. While this may be a possibility, it is reviewed case by case. Simply reach out to me or Jack to about this and we'll note it down and review it as we deem fit.

The Sheriffs Reference book has been updated to reflect GTA 5. You may review it here.

Despite the server opening being delayed, this hasn't stopped us opening recruitment and we've received more applications than I first anticipated for. Training Bureau has been hard at work to ensure all of the applications are being handled in a timely fashion. If anyone wishes to help out with applications please send your applications for to TB!

I want to extend my thanks to everyone who has been doing their bit to ensure we're ready as possible for launch and we'll shine through thereafter. Launch shouldn't be too long now and we're more than ready for it when it comes, if I have any early information or anything I can provide I will do, but right now I'm the same as you lot!

This will be the last update until after launch, so not long left until we're doing something we love and we're in game once again, can't wait to play with you! See you soon!

Executive Staff

Re: (( Faction Update — February 2022 ))

TB has been putting in the work :)

Nice update tho :)

West Vinewood Station, Central Patrol Division
Los Santos County Sheriff's Department — "A Tradtion of Service"


Davis Sheriff's Station, Central Patrol Division
Los Santos County Sheriff's Department — "A Tradtion of Service"